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[Other resource51单片机的Web Server代码

Description: 51单片机的Web Server代码-51 MCU Web Server code
Platform: | Size: 431031 | Author: 王中正 | Hits:

[SCM51单片机的Web Server代码

Description: 51单片机的Web Server代码-51 MCU Web Server code
Platform: | Size: 431104 | Author: 王中正 | Hits:


Description: 通过ADO操作SQLSERVER数据库,获取用户MAC地址,分发不同的IP地址,并记录在数据库中,附带了不重启设置IP地址(因为作者在的局域网,ip为25.51.X.X,所以其中部分修改IP代码请根据情况改变!-SQLSERVER operated by ADO database users access to the MAC address, the distribution of IP addresses and records in a database, not a fringe restart set the IP address (as the author of the LAN, ip to 25.51.X.X, among the partial revision of IP under the code of the requested change!
Platform: | Size: 2748416 | Author: 孙鹏程 | Hits:


Description: 小型的web服务器源码,可以用于51单片机,版本0.5.1-small web server source code, which can be used 51 microcontroller, version 0.5.2
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 杨可 | Hits:


Description: 硬件协议栈芯片w3100a的web-server,用51单片机,keil51环境-hardware protocol stack chips w3100a web-server, with 51 microcontroller, keil51 environment
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: xiaoying | Hits:


Description: 本文介绍了如何使用RTL8019+51内核单片机来实现嵌入式Web服务器,文章包括硬件电路设计、协议的实现、调试的方法、程序的调度。本文对于进行轻量级TCP/IP协议开发的设计人员有很强的指导意义。本文所述Web服务器的源代码请参考本人上传的“TcpIpOn8051.rar”。-This paper describes how to use the RTL8019 51 MCU kernel to achieve Embedded Web server, The article includes hardware circuit design, the realization of the agreement, testing methods, and procedures of scheduling. This article about a lightweight TCP/IP protocol development of the design staff has a strong guiding significance. This paper described the Web server source code reference, I uploaded "TcpIpOn8051.rar."
Platform: | Size: 2666496 | Author: 王鑫 | Hits:


Description: 本源码为运行在8051+RTL8019构成的单片机系统上实现的Web服务器,程序由C51语言编写,可以方便的移植到任何51内核的处理器上,对于其他8位微处理器上的网络应用也有一定的参考意义。本文配套的文档参考本人上传的“WebServerOn8051.rar”。-source for the operation in 8051 RTL8019 constitute the SCM system to achieve the Web server , procedures prepared by the C51, to facilitate the transplantation of any of the 51 core processor, for the other eight microprocessors on the network application has some reference value. This paper supporting documentation reference I uploaded "WebServerOn8051.rar."
Platform: | Size: 369664 | Author: 王鑫 | Hits:


Description: 实例45 选择字体 126 实例46 UDP与TCP/IP的简单应用 129 实例47 聊天室 131 实例48 浏览FTP 136 实例49 局域网广播 147 实例50 建立HTTP连接 151 实例51 迷你浏览器 152 实例52 扫描应用端口 154 实例53 监控HTTP 155 实例54 收发电子邮件 156 实例55 一个简单的代理服务器 164 实例56 扫描网站信息 173 实例57 远程方法调用 174 实例58 调用JINI方法 176-Select the font of 126 examples of 45 examples of 46 UDP and TCP/IP simple application of 129 examples of 131 examples of 47 chat rooms 48 browse FTP 136 examples of 49 local area network broadcast 50 the establishment of 147 examples of 151 examples of HTTP connections 51 Mini browser 152 examples of 52-port 154 scanning application examples 53 monitor HTTP 155 examples of 156 examples of 54 e-mail 55 a simple proxy server 164 examples of 56 scan website 173 examples 57 remote method invocation 174 examples of 58 calls JINI method 176
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: zmm | Hits:


Description: 微程序控制器采用ATMEL AVR MEGA162,该MCU为双串口,16 k字节系统内可编程FLASH,512字节EEPROM等。MCU工作流程为:(1) 上电复位,初始化各输入输出端口,定时器,串口等;(2) 初始化GPS,输出数据仅保留RMC;(3) 初始化GPRS,设置服务器IP地址,端口;(4) MCU循环读出来自GPS的数据,通过GPRS发送至服务器。-Micro-program controller using ATMEL AVR MEGA162, the MCU to dual serial port, 16 k-byte system programmable FLASH, 512 bytes EEPROM and so on. MCU workflow: (1) power-on reset, initialize the input and output ports, timers, serial port, etc. (2) to initialize GPS, output data to retain only RMC (3) to initialize GPRS, setting server IP address, port (4) MCU cycle read out from the GPS data sent to server through GPRS.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: redvfp | Hits:


Description: 小而精干的SSH服务器/客户端,体积不足200K-Small and capable of SSH server/client, the volume of less than 200K
Platform: | Size: 1777664 | Author: 没名 | Hits:


Description: 移植uIP1.0到51单片机上的版本mcu_netV1.00 uIP ARP / ICMP / TCP协议的完全移植,可以稳定ping通单板,使用TCP服务器功能,连上单板的TCP服务器功能时(自定义端口1234),单板发出“Hello,how are you?”的问候。其后发出的字符单板都原样返回。 -Transplantation uIP1.0 to 51 single-chip version of the mcu_netV1.00 uIP ARP/ICMP/TCP protocol completely transplantation, can be stabilized single ping pass, the use of TCP server function, connected to the single function of the TCP server (custom port 1234), SBC issued a " Hello, how are you?" greetings. The subsequent issuance of the original characters are back to SBC.
Platform: | Size: 1039360 | Author: 郑禾 | Hits:


Description: postmark是个压力测试磁盘的工具,netapp公司开发。可以模拟邮件服务器的负载。-postmark is a tool for stress testing the disk, netapp developed. Can simulate the load on the mail server.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:


Description: java based ftp server
Platform: | Size: 3796992 | Author: kokog4 | Hits:

[Game EngineHBWL3.51

Description: 战场游戏服务端WL完整源代码 可以组建的。源码由国内火辣女雷锋提供。QQ:290419357。欢迎交流学习-WL integrity of the battlefield game server source code can be formed. Lei Feng source provided by the domestic hot women. QQ: 290419357. Welcome to exchange study
Platform: | Size: 232448 | Author: 到底 | Hits:


Description: The DataFinder is light-weight tool for managing scientific data. DataFinder has been developed to manage large data sets which can be stored using a variety of data storage interfaces (e.g., WebDAV, FTP, GridFTP, OpenAFS, or TSM). The structuring of data together with descriptive meta data are being stored in XML format on a central server. Both are being managed and maintained via network connections using the standardized protocol WebDAV.
Platform: | Size: 2041856 | Author: killerjoe | Hits:


Description: 8051单片机控制多个舵机源程序,定时器加中断实现PWM-51 servo microcontroller to control multiple source, PWM timer interrupts Canada
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: | Hits:


Description: C51单片机下的以太网web程序,以太网芯片为ENC28J60,能够实现嵌入式web服务器-C51 microcontroller Ethernet web under the program, Ethernet MCU is ENC28j60 to achieve an embedded web server
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: Mr.Yumin | Hits:

[WEB Codeqiyesite3.51

Description: 一个小型的商业网站模板,可直接挂服务器使用。aspx.net类型。-A small business website templates, can be directly used to hang the server. Aspx asp.net type.
Platform: | Size: 3654656 | Author: guowen | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorHB_3.51_Server_Files

Description: 战场老外3.51服务器端,附带客户端登陆补丁。 GameServers集合到一个启动器,每个地图分别建立到单独的文件夹内,便于管理!-Battlefield 3.51 server with foreigners, client login patch. GameServers set to a starter, each map are built into a separate folder, convenient management!
Platform: | Size: 1983488 | Author: tiger | Hits:


Description: 天堂1 3.51纯净版 带源码 需要的自己拿去用吧 新物品需要自己添加(lineage 1 server rev351)
Platform: | Size: 25411584 | Author: 我本无意 | Hits:
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